Online classes

Join me in the ONLINE yoga studio, streaming live via Zoom.

Sessions designed for women, and for all body shapes and sizes and flexibility levels.

If you have been experiencing anxiety, depression, depletion, stress, tiredness or any combination, you are very welcome here.

Suggested equipment – a yoga mat, and a blanket (3 or more blankets for the Restorative and Yoga Nidra classes). It’s not essential, but if you have your own props such as a bolster, yoga blocks, eye-pillow, cushions – great!

YES, it’s totally fine if you have no Yoga experience!

NO, you are never too inflexible for Yoga!

seated twist outside

Online Group classes – Term 2 for 2024

Starting on Monday 15th April

Mondays 10am Yoga

Mondays 8pm Yoga Nidra meditation

Tuesdays 7.45pm Yoga

Fridays 10am Yoga + Yoga Nidra meditation

Times are AEST (Melbourne/Sydney)

For online classes, when you book for the term, you can join ANY OR ALL of the online classes on offer.

Each class duration will be approx. 60 minutes, except the Monday evening session 45 minutes.

a little more about the yoga sessions….

Slow mindful movement based on Hatha Yoga and somatic yoga practices, including physical yoga shapes and movement, as well as breath practices, Yoga Nidra guided relaxation, and Meditation practices.

Combining slow mindful movement, gentle stretching, strengthening practices, balancing practices, breath practices, as well as Restorative Yoga for stillness and rest.   

Options and choices are provided throughout each session, and you will be encouraged to practice in a way that is most suitable and kind and supportive for yourself.

You will be invited to practice mindfulness, present moment awareness, and connection with your body – also known as “interoception”.

The “Yoga” sessions includes breath/movement of 45 – 50 minutes and then 10-15 minutes time at the end of class for stillness, if you wish. The “Yoga and Nidra” sessions also offers breath/movement but includes more time, around 20 – 30 minutes for rest/stillness and guided relaxation and meditation. The Monday evening session is a shorter 45 minute session and provides options for 10-15 minutes of breathwork and movement, and then 20 – 30 minutes for Yoga Nidra

All sessions are facilitated from a Trauma-informed perspective.

If you have been experiencing stress, tension, or anxiety, or mental-health challenges, come and join us. You may find yoga can help calm your body and mind, and to find more balance with emotions. You may find the benefits of nervous system regulation.

Yoga may help you with recovery from illness or injury or managing pain or chronic illness. Relaxing the body and quieting thoughts and emotions and quieting all levels of one’s being can be a powerful support to the healing process.

One-on-one sessions

You may wish to book * Private 1:1 sessions * tailored to your individual needs and circumstances.

Private sessions may be for Reiki, for Yoga, for TCTSY (trauma sensitive yoga), for Meditation, for Restorative Yoga, for Yoga Nidra, for Sound healing with singing bowls, or a combination.

Private sessions can be attended online, or in-person.

For information on One-on-one sessions, please read more here.

 Terms & Conditions

Payments are non-refundable. Payments are not transferable to a future date.

You are not permitted to share the zoom log-in code with any other person. You are not permitted to record or reproduce or distribute any livestream session.

Karen holds the right to cancel or reschedule any sessions.